Expressing Assurance on Packaging Reports

Companies which are distributors of packaged goods to Estonian market, are obliged to keep record of the packaging materials and weights and present the relevant data to authorized organizations. According to legislation the definition of package includes both sales packages and packages used for transportation of the goods.

A company that distributes packaged goods with the weight of packages exceeding five tons per calendar year to the Estonian market, is required to have the packaging report audited. An audit is also required for the recovery organizations’ report.

The packaging report audit is based on the requirements set out in the packaging law. The engagement is carried out in accordance with the relevant international professional standards with an objective to express limited assurance. As a result of the packaging report audit independent auditor issues a report which is presented to the authorized organization together with the company’s packaging data.

If you would like to receive more information regarding auditor’s engagement on the packaging reports, please contact our professionals!